With over 5 years of experience facilitating development and humanitarian projects, at Damaan Humanitarian Organization we understand the importance of being a safe pair of hands for the funds and initiatives entrusted to us by our many donors and partners.We are committed to transparency and accountability in our work and have procedures and guidelines in place for all critical processes to ensure we meet and exceed the expectations of our partners in relation to project management, monitoring, performance management and quality assurance.

Operation of Damaan Humanitarian Organization are overseen by an independent Supervisory Board consisting of members from different but complementary backgrounds, including the interim Syrian government, and Local Councils. The board offers Damaan Humanitarian Organization senior expertise in auditing, finance, governance, project management, social affairs and sustainability.

Audit & Risk management
The quality of the work of Damaan Humanitarian Organization, including internal processes and services to our beneficiaries, is ensured by thorough auditing and evaluation. Our financial statements are audited monthly, quarterly and annually by an independent external professional auditor in Syria and in the Netherlands. We are proudly audited by MKBA administraties. http://mkba.info/
Damaan Humanitarian Organization also has an Internal Audit sub-Unit with a straight reporting line to the Chief coordinator and board members. The Internal Audit sub-Unit executes internal audits. These audits provide the Managing Board with independent and objective information on the degree of control of the primary processes, supporting processes (such as Finance and HR) and projects. They support Damaan Humanitarian Organization in accomplishing its objectives by assessing the organization’s processes as a means to identify good practices, possible weaknesses and risks.
Based on the information provided, the Managing Board takes measures where needed to improve the organizational practice and stimulate learning. The Internal Audit sub-Unit monitors the follow-up of the audit recommendations and reports to the Managing Board on progress.

Quality Assurance
The focus of Damaan Humanitarian Organization is to achieve development and humanitarian results in the most efficient, effective and sustainable way possible. To ensure this, Damaan Humanitarian Organization makes planning, monitoring, evaluation and learning a key part of its work. We have constant analysis, reflection and improvement of our practice – enabling successful tailoring of solutions to local problems and contexts and full transparency for our donors and partners.In addition to our ongoing internal evaluation process, we welcome any independent external evaluations to Damaan’s programs.

Corrective & Preventive Action
Damaan Humanitarian Organization implements a range of policies to ensure staff and organizational initiatives meet the highest levels of ethical conduct.Damaan Humanitarian Organization maintains a strict policy of zero tolerance to theft, fraud and misuse of resources. We consider it the responsibility of all Damaan Humanitarian Organization staff members to be aware of the potential for fraud, and to report any reasonably suspected fraud.Damaan Humanitarian Organization supports the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and implements a Child Protection Policy to ensure children are safeguarded from abuse, discrimination and harm of any kind in the implementation of Damaan Humanitarian Organization activities.